OUR APPLICATIONS: Sanitary safety

Safety refers to the means - human, technical and organizational - of preventing and responding to accidental risks.
Technical, physical, chemical, biological or environmental risks may be involved, but their origin is always involuntary.
What is safety?

Safety refers to the means - human, technical and organizational - of preventing and responding to accidental risks.
These may be technical, physical, chemical, biological or environmental risks, but their origin is always intentional.

  • HEALTH SAFETY refers to processes, methods and preventive and regulatory measures designed to reduce chemical and biological risks, in particular the
    risks of chemical substance diffusion or pathogen diffusion and transmission in humans, livestock, crops or wildlife.
  • HEALTH SAFETY therefore includes monitoring, precautionary and control measures.

Our services :

  • Health risk prevention :
  • FMECA audit
  • Vulnerability analysis
    ➢ Identification, assessment of risks
    ➢ Identification, reinforcement of barrier measures
    ➢ Feasibility study for securing buildings and premises
    ➢ Protection of vital resources
    ➢ Identification of potential vectors of contamination
  • Crisis management support
  • Assessment, proposals for permanent barriers.
    Preventing biological risks in the workplace
    Exposure to epidemic agents in the workplace:
  • Audit of compliance with regulatory obligations
    ➢ Risk assessments
    ➢ Preventive measures and resources
    ➢ Worker information/training
    ➢ OR compliance measures
  • AMDEC PCA / SDS (Situation Dégradée Sanitaire) assessment
  • Health protocols
  • Biosafety prevention plan
  • Animation, control

Decontamination / disinfection:
Indoor air

  • By plasma process and or filtration
    ➢ Viral aerosols
    ➢ Bacteria, yeasts, fungi
  • Air and surfaces by certified DSVA process (Disinfection of surfaces by air)
    ➢ Yeasts, moulds, bacteria
    ➢ Viral aerosols, fomites
    Sanitary waters
  • By chemical or electrochemical process
    ➢ Chemical toxicants, Legionella, Pseudomonas and other pathogens
  • Parasite disinfection using the DSVA process.

Contact us for more information: